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Are you bothered by the appearance of a "pebble chin," those subtle but unwelcome dimples that can mar the smoothness of your lower face? At Ministry of faces, we offer a solution for pebble chin removal using Botox.


Discover how this quick and effective treatment can help you achieve a flawless, confident look.

Understanding Pebble Chin and Botox:

What is a Pebble Chin?


A pebble chin, often referred to as a "pebbley" or "dimpled" chin, occurs when small, undesired dimples or wrinkles appear on the chin area, giving it an uneven texture. This condition can be distracting and affect your overall facial appearance.


How Does Botox Help? Botox, a well-known injectable neurotoxin, can be used to relax and soften the appearance of chin muscles. When expertly administered, Botox can effectively address pebble chin by reducing muscle contractions, ultimately providing a smoother and more refined chin area.


Botox treatments are designed to soften and smooth the chin area, reducing the appearance of dimples and wrinkles, resulting in a more even skin texture.

When administered by skilled practitioners, Botox for pebble chin removal provides natural-looking results that enhance your overall facial harmony.


Chin Dimple Removal Leeds



30 minutes

The Treatment Process:

  1. Consultation: Your journey begins with a consultation at Ministry of Faces During this session, we assess your pebble chin, discuss your aesthetic goals, and create a personalised treatment plan.

  2. Botox Application: A series of small Botox injections are administered into the chin area. This process is relatively quick and typically well-tolerated by clients.

  3. Immediate Results: You can expect to see an improvement in the texture of your chin area within a few days, with optimal results appearing over the course of a few weeks.


Safety and Comfort:

At Ministry of Faces, we prioritise safety and client comfort. Botox treatments are generally well-tolerated, with minimal and temporary side effects, such as mild bruising or swelling.

Aftercare and Recovery:

  • You can return to your daily activities immediately after the procedure.

  • Avoid vigorous exercise and excessive sun exposure for a brief period.

  • Follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner.

Chin Dimple Removal Prices 

- £100


How long does it last?

Fillers tend to last around 8 months for your first sitting, 12+ months for your second sitting and 18+ months for your third sitting. The more layers that you build up over time, the longer it takes for your body to break down and metabolism the filler. This time frame can be different for everyone as there are many personal factors involved that affect the rate at which your filler will metabolise 

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